
Community Strengths and Themes Assessment (CSTA)

The purpose of the Community Strengths and Themes Assessment is to gain information about the quality of life at your location (military installation, post, or base), how community health, wellness, readiness, and resiliency might be improved, as well as general thoughts and perceptions about important aspects of life that could be addressed. The CSTA assists commands in the development of a responsive and holistic community support plan.

Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary and will help to inform Commanders and community health coalitions, including councils, about health-related priorities and concerns identified by community members.

To protect your identity: 1) all electronic data will remain private, confidential, and password protected; 2) all data are stored on a secured network; and 3) no individual level responses will be reported. Only aggregate responses are reported.

The questionnaire will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes.  This assessment is part of military public health practice and is not intended as scientific research.

There are no known risks to participating in this assessment. Benefits of completing this questionnaire are that your thoughts and opinions may be used to guide strategic planning efforts within your community to improve health and well-being.  If you encounter issues with completing the assessment, please contact the administrator at: sharon.r.ghazarian.civ@health.mil.

If you have any questions or concerns about this questionnaire, please contact the Defense Centers for Public Health – Aberdeen Human Protections Director, Ms. Dawn Gyory, at dawn.m.gyory.civ@health.mil.  The Human Protections Director is NOT a member of the project team.
You may stop participation at any time.
Thank you for participating and sharing your voice!

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